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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Been a while~ ARMY TIME

Been a while since we have blogged, seems that life takes you for long rides and doesn't let you get off the ride for a few months.
Our son has joined the Army!  he is in the infantry, he is a rifleman.
Proud of him, think about him all the time and just pray for him and every other brave American fighting for our freedoms. I will say though, The Army is screwed up, so much mis-information for everyone. One guy has meals taken out of his check every other week and another has to pay 2 bucks each time he walks into the mess hall. You cannot get answers, or if you do they are never the same answer. I can ask my son to ask the "higher ups" but that only results in more push ups. I am not trying to bash the Army but, please do the right thing by each & every one of our soldiers. heck, they really do not make a lot of money and they have to pay for everything. The only thing my son hasn't paid for is his weapon.
If you break it down to what an E-1 makes in the Army is about 2.22 an hour and that is before taxes. Sad! :(
But as my son says, it isn't about the money it is about the honor and what I am doing for my country. It is my career, this is what I want to do and plan to do with my life. I say HOOAH!

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