Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Singer Sheryl Crow Blasts Tea Party
Singer Sheryl Crow Blasts Tea Party: "But before she snubbed the education level of Tea Partiers, maybe Crow should have checked out this New York Times poll, which found Tea Party members to be “more educated than the general public.”"
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
White House aide failed to disclose $40K payout - Jake Sherman -
White House aide failed to disclose $40K payout - Jake Sherman - "Patrick Gaspard, who served as the political director for the Service Employees International Union local 1199, received $37,071.46 in “carried over leave and vacation” from the union in 2009, but he did not disclose the agreement to receive the payment on his financial disclosure forms filed with the White House."
Morning Bell: The Dodd-Frank Assault on Economic Recovery | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.
Morning Bell: The Dodd-Frank Assault on Economic Recovery | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.: "This council would also have�nearly unlimited powers to draft financial firms into the regulatory system and even force them to sell off or close pieces of themselves. Unfortunately, it is extremely difficult to detect systemic risk before a crisis has occurred, and the council would serve mainly as a group to blame for failing at an almost impossible task. On the other hand, its huge powers are much more likely to destabilize the financial system by stifling innovative products while failing to detect dangers posed by existing ones."
RealClearPolitics - Video - Obama Calling "Bluff" Of Those Complaining About "Deficits And Debt"
RealClearPolitics - Video - Obama Calling "Bluff" Of Those Complaining About "Deficits And Debt": "President Obama on controlling the debt: 'Somehow people say, why are you doing that, I'm not sure that's good politics. I'm doing it because I said I was going to do it and I think it's the right thing to do. People should learn that lesson about me because next year when I start presenting some very difficult choices to the country, I hope some of these folks who are hollering about deficits and debt step-up because I'm calling their bluff. We'll see how much of that, how much of the political arguments that they're making right now are real and how much of it was just politics.'"
Monday, June 28, 2010
Someone died for me today
Someone died for me today: "We the undersigned, without malice, and with full understanding and clear volition, have no confidence in and do demand the resignation of U.S. President Barack H. Obama, his appointees, and his administration forthwith. Should he not resign his office forthwith, we the undersigned demand that the House and Senate Judiciary Committees begin immediate investigation of Mr. Obama including all actions and activities constituting High Crimes and Misdemeanors. A listing of these offenses are resourced at for presentation at the Congressional Hearings. In addition, we do demand that the U. S. House of Representatives strike Articles of Impeachment against Mr. Obama on or before September 1, 2010."
Someone died for me today
Someone died for me today: "We the undersigned, without malice, and with full understanding and clear volition, have no confidence in and do demand the resignation of U.S. President Barack H. Obama, his appointees, and his administration forthwith. Should he not resign his office forthwith, we the undersigned demand that the House and Senate Judiciary Committees begin immediate investigation of Mr. Obama including all actions and activities constituting High Crimes and Misdemeanors. A listing of these offenses are resourced at for presentation at the Congressional Hearings. In addition, we do demand that the U. S. House of Representatives strike Articles of Impeachment against Mr. Obama on or before September 1, 2010."
Texas A&M Professor: Methane Gas Levels In The Gulf Of Mexico Are Astonishingly High
Texas A&M Professor: Methane Gas Levels In The Gulf Of Mexico Are Astonishingly High: "There are reports coming out of the Gulf coast region of oil-coated dolphins washing up on shore and of sea turtles being burned alive by BP during oil cleanup operations.
Many parts of Pensacola beach have now turned black as the oil begins to pour in.
Workers cleaning up the BP oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico have reported suffering from flu-like symptoms that may be the consequence of exposure to chemicals in the oil as well as the petroleum-derived solvents being used to disperse the spi"
Many parts of Pensacola beach have now turned black as the oil begins to pour in.
Workers cleaning up the BP oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico have reported suffering from flu-like symptoms that may be the consequence of exposure to chemicals in the oil as well as the petroleum-derived solvents being used to disperse the spi"
Shakedown: Obama Tells Kyl No Border Security Without Amnesty - The Feed - National Review Online
Shakedown: Obama Tells Kyl No Border Security Without Amnesty - The Feed - National Review Online: "Another revelation on how terrifyingly disconnected our Commander in Chief is from the world he is suppose to be leading. Everyday there are more reports of how our president doesn't understand, and doesn't care to learn about, the many complicated theaters he is to lead us through. Afganistan, Iran, the oil spill, Israel, our European allies (former allies?),US economy/bail out, and healthcare are all botched beyond belief."
Thursday, June 24, 2010
DEBKAfile, Political Analysis, Espionage, Terrorism, Security
DEBKAfile, Political Analysis, Espionage, Terrorism, Security: "With two ships, one Lebanese and one Iranian, already at sea, the Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri was reported by DEBKAfile's intelligence sources as coupling his public support for the sea campaign to break Israel's blockade of Gaza with a quiet bid to stall it.
He privately asked Cypriot President Demetris Christofias, Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan, Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou and the Maltese Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi to deny Lebanese ships bound for Gaza permission to drop anchor, refuel or load provisions at their ports, in order to prevent them from proceeding to Gaza."
He privately asked Cypriot President Demetris Christofias, Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan, Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou and the Maltese Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi to deny Lebanese ships bound for Gaza permission to drop anchor, refuel or load provisions at their ports, in order to prevent them from proceeding to Gaza."
“ObamaCare - Three Months of Broken Promises” | RedState
“ObamaCare - Three Months of Broken Promises” | RedState
House Minority Leader John Boehner’s office published a thorough analysis of the “Three Months of Broken Promises” brought on by this abomination, and in doing so, he has done an excellent job in publicizing the lies and broken health care promises of the Obama administration.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Federal Gov't Halts Sand Berm Dredging - New Orleans News Story - WDSU New Orleans
Federal Gov't Halts Sand Berm Dredging - New Orleans News Story - WDSU New Orleans: "'Once again, our government resource agencies, which are intended to protect us, are now leaving us vulnerable to the destruction of our coastline and marshes by the impending oil,' Nungesser wrote to Obama. 'Furthermore, with the threat of hurricanes or tropical storms, we are being put at an increased risk for devastation to our area from the intrusion of oil."
Former Shell exec predicts blackouts, gas lines | TEXAS ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT Blog |
Former Shell exec predicts blackouts, gas lines | TEXAS ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT Blog | "BHO's regime is the most corrupt un-American administration our nation has ever experienced. Their policies have and will be total failures. There is a lot of misery in front of us, and yes, there will plenty to go around; no one will be left out!"
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Dozens dead, wounded in Iraq violence
Dozens dead, wounded in Iraq violence: "Meanwhile, in another bombing incident, at least four people were killed and 16 others were wounded after three roadside bombs went off in Baghdad's northern district of Hurriya, a security official told AFP."
As Oil Continues To Gush Violently Into The Gulf Of Mexico, Barack Obama And Joe Biden Play Golf
As Oil Continues To Gush Violently Into The Gulf Of Mexico, Barack Obama And Joe Biden Play Golf: "As oil continued to gush violently into the Gulf of Mexico, Barack Obama hit the golf course on Saturday�with Joe Biden."
Controversy Surrounding Bank with Obama Ties Grows -
Controversy Surrounding Bank with Obama Ties Grows -
House Republicans are dubious. ShoreBank has close connection to officials in the Obama administration, and all of the Wall Street firms and companies like GE taking part in the ShoreBank bailout were themselves bailed out with government funds and continue to feast on various programs offered by the Obama administration.
Monday, June 21, 2010 » Blog Archive » Take A Bite Out Of Crime » Blog Archive » Take A Bite Out Of Crime
We need this in America to stop the rapists - Kyl: Obama Won't Secure Border Until Lawmakers Move on Immigration Package - Kyl: Obama Won't Secure Border Until Lawmakers Move on Immigration Package
I truly believe that Obama said this, and boy I bet he is pissed off now, because Kyl spoke the truth.
Points to Ponder
Here's something to ponder as Obama gives his first Oval Office address. Subject: Gulf Oil Disaster.
Keep in mind he has been scolding Americans all along for their oil-dependent lifestyles and will use this crisis to pass cap & trade - wait for $9 a gallon cuz it's coming. Read this BEFORE the commie hits the airwaves tonight. Oh, by the way, ONLY the Wall Street Journal carried this story today.....
Today, even though President Obama is against off shore drilling for our country, he signed an executive order to loan 2 Billion of our taxpayers dollars to a Brazilian Oil Exploration Company (which is the 8th largest company in the entire world) to drill for oil off the coast of Brazil ! The oil that comes from this operation is for the sole purpose and use of China and NOT THE USA! Now here's the real clincher...the Chinese government is under contract to purchase all the oil that this oil field will produce, which is hundreds of millions of barrels of oil"..
We have absolutely no gain from this transaction whatsoever!
Wait, it gets more interesting.
Guess who is the largest individual stockholder of this Brazilian Oil Company and who would benefit most from this? It is American BILLIONAIRE, George Soros, who was one of President Obama's most generous financial supporter during his campaign.
If you are able to connect the dots and follow the money, you are probably as upset as I am. Not a word of this transaction was broadcast on any of the other news networks - just the evil FOX News!
Keep in mind he has been scolding Americans all along for their oil-dependent lifestyles and will use this crisis to pass cap & trade - wait for $9 a gallon cuz it's coming. Read this BEFORE the commie hits the airwaves tonight. Oh, by the way, ONLY the Wall Street Journal carried this story today.....
Today, even though President Obama is against off shore drilling for our country, he signed an executive order to loan 2 Billion of our taxpayers dollars to a Brazilian Oil Exploration Company (which is the 8th largest company in the entire world) to drill for oil off the coast of Brazil ! The oil that comes from this operation is for the sole purpose and use of China and NOT THE USA! Now here's the real clincher...the Chinese government is under contract to purchase all the oil that this oil field will produce, which is hundreds of millions of barrels of oil"..
We have absolutely no gain from this transaction whatsoever!
Wait, it gets more interesting.
Guess who is the largest individual stockholder of this Brazilian Oil Company and who would benefit most from this? It is American BILLIONAIRE, George Soros, who was one of President Obama's most generous financial supporter during his campaign.
If you are able to connect the dots and follow the money, you are probably as upset as I am. Not a word of this transaction was broadcast on any of the other news networks - just the evil FOX News!
FCC Will Tame the Internet—Or Kill It - CNBC
FCC Will Tame the Internet—Or Kill It - CNBC
To do that, the FCC proposes a nifty little change in definitions. It wants to re-classify the Internet and say it no longer is an “information service”—which gets a light hand. Now the Net shall be called a “telecommunications service”—a phone service, basically, that gets subjected (and subjugated) to a lot more government oversight.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Democrats continue hammering GOP over Barton apology to BP -
Democrats continue hammering GOP over Barton apology to BP -
Truly this is crazy, last week a democrat grabs a kid, a young reporter if you will, and demands to know who he is and what he is doing, smacks the camera, and then tussles with the young man, trying
to put him in some sort of a head lock, he says sorry and the dems life moves on. A repub, makes a remark and they (dems) want a public lynching.
If the commander in chief had been more aggressive with trying to stop the oil from spilling uncontrollably into the Gulf, things like this wouldn't be said. It took Obama 59 days to make an address to the nation, and he really didn't say to much about the oil spill, he pushed his own agenda, the cap and trade bull hockie. If that bill is to pass, our electric bills will triple if not more, gas prices will hit 7 bucks a gallon. Obama isn't an American, he is a muslin wearing a suit, trying to take this country down.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Executive Order-- Temporary Organization to Facilitate a Strategic Partnership with the Republic of Iraq | The White House
Executive Order-- Temporary Organization to Facilitate a Strategic Partnership with the Republic of Iraq | The White House
WTH? Why do we want to do this and why isn't the media talking about it?
Did Kagan Compare the NRA with the KKK? - Robert VerBruggen - The Corner on National Review Online
Did Kagan Compare the NRA with the KKK? - Robert VerBruggen - The Corner on National Review Online
Is Kagan so hostile to gun rights that she would compare the top gun-rights organization in the United States with a viciously racist hate group? It sure looks that way. We look forward to her explanation.
Friday, June 18, 2010
$7-a-gallon gas? -
$7-a-gallon gas? -
But the new marketing strategy wasn't working. Few believe the green-jobs hype -- with good reason. In Spain, for example, green jobs have been an expensive bust, with each position created requiring, on average, $774,000 in government subsidies. And the logic of getting us off oil imports via a unilateral measure that punishes American coal, oil and natural gas never made any sense at all.
Obama Jokes About Biden's "Big F-ing Deal" Comment - Political Hotsheet - CBS News
Obama Jokes About Biden's "Big F-ing Deal" Comment - Political Hotsheet - CBS News
Air Force One alone bills out at $100,000 per hour, and the round trip is nearly two hours. Adding to the cost are military aircraft to carry limos and secret service vehicles, Marine One on standby, Secret Service, local police and other factors.
BP Oil Spill: Against Gov. Bobby Jindal's Wishes, Crude-Sucking Barges Stopped by Coast Guard - ABC News
BP Oil Spill: Against Gov. Bobby Jindal's Wishes, Crude-Sucking Barges Stopped by Coast Guard - ABC News
The Coast Guard came and shut them down," Jindal said. "You got men on the barges in the oil, and they have been told by the Coast Guard, 'Cease and desist. Stop sucking up that oil.'"
Spill May Have Killed Young Sperm Whale -
Spill May Have Killed Young Sperm Whale -
There are an estimated 1,700 sperm whales that live in gulf waters and they are known to congregate particularly at the mouth of the Mississippi River, a rich feeding ground. Unlike other whales, which travel long distances, these live full-time in the gulf and do not usually mingle with sperm whale pods in the neighboring Caribbean and Sargasso Sea. Ms. Mase said that the dead whale was almost certainly a gulf whale. - Radical Islamist Group Is Returning to Chicago for Major Recruitment Drive - Radical Islamist Group Is Returning to Chicago for Major Recruitment Drive
"They don’t believe Israel should exist, some of their leaders have denied the Holocaust, and they believe homosexuals should be thrown off the highest building," Hussain, now a trainer for the Quilliam Foundation, told "... It's actually a very dangerous group."
Thursday, June 17, 2010
BP Continues To Get Into Hot Water Over The Oil Spill In The Gulf Of Mexico
BP Continues To Get Into Hot Water Over The Oil Spill In The Gulf Of Mexico
The Louisiana Environmental Action Network is reporting that British Petroleum is threatening to fire fishermen hired to help with the oil spill cleanup for using respirators or other safety equipment that wasn't provided by the company.
BP Aware Of Cracks In Oil Well Two Months Before Explosion
BP Aware Of Cracks In Oil Well Two Months Before Explosion
eyewitness evidence indicates that Deepwater Horizon managers knew that the BP oil rig had major problems before its explosion on April 20. A crew member who rescued burning workers on the rig told Houston attorney Tony Buzbee of a conversation between Deepwater Horizon installation manager Jimmy Harrell and someone in Houston. According to the witness, Harrell was screaming, “Are you fucking happy? Are you fucking happy? The rig’s on fire! I told you this was gonna happen.
New Bill Gives Obama ‘Kill Switch’ To Shut Down The Internet
New Bill Gives Obama ‘Kill Switch’ To Shut Down The Internet
As we have repeatedly warned for years, the federal government is desperate to seize control of the Internet because the establishment is petrified at the fact that alternative and independent media outlets are now eclipsing corporate media outlets in terms of audience share, trust, and influence.
Inside the Ring - Washington Times
Inside the Ring - Washington Times
The secret talks and possible agreement have triggered alarm among pro-missile defense advocates who are concerned that the administration, in its effort to "reset" ties with Moscow, will make further concessions constraining current and future missile defenses.
The Most Important News
The Most Important News
Bill Gates is trying to use the BP oil spill to convince Congress to increase annual U.S. spending on clean energy research and development from $5 billion to $16 billion.
Courthouse News Service
Courthouse News Service
Corexit 9500 has been illegal in the United Kingdom since 1998, when it was found to be harmful to the food chain
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Monday, June 14, 2010
Read This Before You Volunteer to Clean Up the BP Oil Disaster | Fast Company
Read This Before You Volunteer to Clean Up the BP Oil Disaster | Fast Company
headache, nausea, coughing--are being reported by workers cleaning up the BP oil disaster. Savage, now retired and living in Las Vegas, hopes today's oil spill workers know what's really going on with their health. "Had I known the truth
Sunday, June 13, 2010
College Students This Is Your Future: High Unemployment And Student Loan Hell
College Students This Is Your Future: High Unemployment And Student Loan Hell
They will enter an economy where roughly 17% of people aged 20 through 24 do not have a job, and where two million college graduates are unemployed. They will enter a world where they will compete tooth and nail for jobs as waitresses, pizza delivery men, file clerks, bouncers, trainee busboys, assistant baristas, interns at bodegas.
The Death Of Las Vegas
The Death Of Las Vegas
the number of unemployed in Las Vegas is reaching unprecedented levels. Unemployment rates for the state of Nevada and for the city of Las Vegas both set new records during the month of April. In Las Vegas the unemployment rate in April was 14.2%. For the entire state the unemployment rate was 13.7%.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Obama's BP oil spill ire: America's ALWAYS tried to do down Britain | Mail Online
Obama's BP oil spill ire: America's ALWAYS tried to do down Britain | Mail Online
His rhetoric is repellently hypocritical as well as demagogic. Quite apart from the fact that Hayward and his colleagues have every interest in plugging the spill, for years past BP has filled Washington's coffers with tax revenue, and fed the American people's unquenchable thirst for cheap petrol.
Read more:
Read more:
Friday, June 11, 2010
The gulf between Hollywood hypocrites and the oil spill
The gulf between Hollywood hypocrites and the oil spill
At a benefit concert in 2005, Kanye West proclaimed that Bush doesn't care about black people.
If that logic is correct, I guess Obama doesn't care about pelicans. Or fishermen.
If that logic is correct, I guess Obama doesn't care about pelicans. Or fishermen.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Amount Of Neurotoxin Pesticide Corexit Sprayed By BP Tops 1 Million Gallons | Alexander Higgins Blog
Amount Of Neurotoxin Pesticide Corexit Sprayed By BP Tops 1 Million Gallons | Alexander Higgins Blog
The main ingredients of Corexit is 2-Butoxyethanol which can make up to 60% of the dispersant and is known to be toxic to blood, kidneys, liver, and the central nervous system (CNS).
2-Butoxyethanol is also known to cause cancer, birth defects and has been found to cause genetic mutations and is a delayed chronic health hazard as well as an environmental hazardous material
t r u t h o u t | Was the Gulf Oil Spill an Act of War? You Betcha
t r u t h o u t | Was the Gulf Oil Spill an Act of War? You Betcha
This is a must read and a re post also.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
» Academia-Gate: As Big Labor and Media Push ‘Researchprop’ on Our Kids, Who’s Really Paying the Cost? (Part 1) - Big Journalism
i» Academia-Gate: As Big Labor and Media Push ‘Researchprop’ on Our Kids, Who’s Really Paying the Cost? (Part 1) - Big Journalism
This is something that will open your eyes and really make you think about things.
This is something that will open your eyes and really make you think about things.
Pass it on
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
The ties that bind. Remember Rahm Emanuel's rent-free D.C. apartment? The owner: A BP adviser | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times
The ties that bind. Remember Rahm Emanuel's rent-free D.C. apartment? The owner: A BP adviser | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times
Maybe this is why Obama isn't be more pro-active with the BP mess!!! Lookie who is an owner of BP....yep yep, he is so closely tied to the WH..............................damn, it gets worse and worse, and what do we get, oh yea, A Dead Zone......the Gulf is not going to be the Dead Zone........REPOST PLEASE - Police: Van der Sloot Confesses to Peru Killing - Police: Van der Sloot Confesses to Peru Killing
We already knew this didn't we.
Glad they are bringing this dirt bag to justice
Monday, June 7, 2010
Another Gulf oil spill: Well near Deepwater Horizon has leaked since at least April 30 |
Another Gulf oil spill: Well near Deepwater Horizon has leaked since at least April 30 |
Isn't it great that BP told us about this, or were they hoping the American people wouldn't find out.
Boycott BP & all there brands!
Great Editorial and a lot of insight on what the government may try to do....Outlook......Grim...
The Deepwater Horizon explosion that triggered leakage of millions of gallons of crude into the Gulf waters since April 20 has provided President Obama with a timely excuse for advancing the objectives of rent-seeking environmentalists. Instead of focusing on ways to assist the effort to plug the leak, Mr. Obama is taking advantage of the crisis to turn down the oil spigot on projects that are not leaking. This misguided policy is going to cost thousands of jobs and billions of dollars.
Oil may be dirty, but America runs on oil. Curtailing drilling during a depressed economy is only going to stall hope of any recovery, yet Mr. Obama announced on May 27 a six-month moratorium on new deepwater oil drilling permits. He also ordered a halt to all current deepwater drilling operations in the Gulf and reversed his decision of just two months ago to end a decades-old ban on oil and gas drilling along the coasts of the Atlantic states and northern Alaska.
The moratorium does nothing to mitigate the leak while putting out of business the Gulf's 33 other safe deepwater rigs. Such a blunderbuss approach exacts punishment on failure and success alike. The shutdown is costing rig operators an estimated $8 million to $16 million a day, and support service companies stand to lose an additional $1 million daily. Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal said the state will likely lose 20,000 jobs over the next 18 months.
The moratorium is expected to delay the production of 80,000 barrels of crude a day in 2011, a reduction of 4 percent. It is also likely to render seven oil discoveries too expensive to tap and decrease federal tax revenue by $7.6 billion, according to the Louisiana Mid-Continent Oil and Gas Association. Moreover, the loss of domestic oil will force Americans to spend an additional $10 billion overseas to buy imported oil.
While the administration may claim it is exercising an abundance of caution in the wake of the Gulf spill, it is resuming a long-held policy goal of obstructing carbon-based energy. Ken Salazar kicked off his tenure as interior secretary by freezing offshore drilling permits issued by the Bush administration. He also voided several permits for land-based drilling in Utah. Interior officials are quietly pondering a plan to grab 10 million acres stretching from Montana to New Mexico under the 1906 Antiquities Act in a move designed to further restrict drilling activities in the nation's energy-rich West. There's little doubt that the administration will use the Gulf spill to add momentum to the Kerry-Lieberman "cap and trade" bill, which imposes fees on carbon use and would trigger price hikes on many energy products and consumer goods.
Taken as a whole, these acts demonstrate a marked anti-oil bias. While the O Force capitalizes on the Gulf calamity, the majority of hardworking Americans want to see the Gulf cleaned up and America's oil spigot reopened.
© Copyright 2010 The Washington Times, LLC
The Boycott of BP & all of there brands
Boycott BP stations until the spill is cleaned up!...FOREVER. BP brands to boycott include Castrol, Arco, Aral, am/pm, Amoco, and Wild Bean Cafe. HEY MEDIA WE ARE CALLING FOR A WORLD WIDE BOYCOTT OF BP PRODUCTS AND SERVICES. NOT JUST IN THE USA,
Ok, so I jump from topic to topic sometimes, but come on now, there is so much crap going on these past few years, and things are well, coming to a head, we might as well get it all out in the open now and get them all resolved. And let's do it the right way, ya know, the way OUR founding fathers intended.
You know, I do not have a problem with people wanting to come to the great country! I really don't, but do it the right way, go through INS, get your documentation in order. We do not need anymore thugs, murderers, drug dealers coming here. Keep that in your country please. I am tired of people coming here and sucking off our tax dollars. I do not think we should have to feed, educate, house, medical care any illegal. You may work here, but you send your money back to your country. You most likely do not get taxed on your underthetable cash either. So, you have taken a job from an American and 2nd you haven't paid taxes, but you will be the 1st in line to get government assistance or go to the hospital and not worry about the bill, because the hospital will write it off as a loss, and yep, we the real Americans have to pay the cost of the right off, such as a $50 tylenol.
Thanks for that!
You know, I do not have a problem with people wanting to come to the great country! I really don't, but do it the right way, go through INS, get your documentation in order. We do not need anymore thugs, murderers, drug dealers coming here. Keep that in your country please. I am tired of people coming here and sucking off our tax dollars. I do not think we should have to feed, educate, house, medical care any illegal. You may work here, but you send your money back to your country. You most likely do not get taxed on your underthetable cash either. So, you have taken a job from an American and 2nd you haven't paid taxes, but you will be the 1st in line to get government assistance or go to the hospital and not worry about the bill, because the hospital will write it off as a loss, and yep, we the real Americans have to pay the cost of the right off, such as a $50 tylenol.
Thanks for that!
What in the world is going on?
What the heck is going on in this country these past few years, our government is Out of Control. They want to spend, spend, spend and just print more money, do they not realize that is not how you get out of a recession, cannot they not look at past administrations and see it did not work for them either. Giving money out to banks, and wall street and who ever else, To many bonuses does NOT need a bailout, they need to fail and then start all over again. Do they not realize that we are suppose to leave this world a little better than we found it? What about the children and the grand children,Our children have to pay for our mistakes?, well I shouldn't even say it that way. The people of this country are hard working, American loving people, who have worked hard for what they have and strive to have in the future, but it seems that the government doesn't see it that way. They want our hard earned money for themselves and there lifestyle. In future posts, I will share links that I have found on government waste. We all know it goes on and we see it every day, but it seems to me, a lot of it falls on deaf ears, and people tend to pass the buck, thinking that the next person who sees the waste will somehow take care of it for them.
It is time to take our country back and bring to back to the way our founding fathers intended.
The time is now, or we will be going the same road as Greece is going right now, and other European countries.
It does not take a lot of time, to make a phone call to a local politician to say how you feel, or an email. Heck, your on the computer anyway, paying bills, playing games, learning new programs. Why not take a few minutes and do something to help save America's future, your future, the future of your children and grand children.
This is a very scary time for our country and now is the time to act.
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